Global Import Export Data - Exim Trade Data

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Exim Trade Data provides Global Import Export Trade Data to over 60+ Countries. We are capable of delivering the most accurate export-import shipment data, customs data and trade data.

Bangladesh Import-Export Trade Data And Its Global Trade Statistics 2022

 Bangladesh Export Data is a highly advanced tool designed and developed by Exim’s market experts to assist companies, traders, manufacturers, etc in their business-related decision-making processes. Bangladesh import-export trade data provide an overall coverage on the trade activities of this country from the origin of the shipment & consignment to the mode of transportation used for shipping.

Bangladesh import-export trade covers all the major fields related to trading such as the name of the importer & exporter, mode of transportation used, shipment & consignment details, rates, value, weight, quantity, unit, value in USD, port name & details, etc

The imports of Bangladesh increased from 518.56 BTD billion in October 2021 to 526.75 BTD billion in September 2021.

Overview of Bangladesh Import-Export Trade Statistics

The chart below shows the current trade statistics of Bangladesh.

Stats Related



Current Account

$–3887.00 USD Million

Jun 2021

Total Imports

526.75 BTD Billion

Oct 2021

Total Exports

306.18 BTD Billion

Oct 2021

Trade Balance

-220.60 BTD Billion

Oct 2021

Bangladesh customs import data shows that the major imports of this country are Machinery, Electrical Machinery & Equipment, Cotton, Mineral Oils & Fuels, Steel & Iron, Cereals, Vegetable/Animal Oils & Fats, Vehicles, Plastics, and Man-made staple fibers. The data also disclose its top trading partner countries which are India, Singapore, Indonesia, China, Japan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Hong Kong, South Korea, Kuwait,  and Brazil.

Top Imports


Value in USD ($)

Mineral Oils & Fuels

$152.6 Billion

Precious stones, metals & pearls

$58.9 Billion

Electrical machinery & equipment

$50.8 Billion

Nuclear machinery

$44.5 Billion

Organic chemicals

$20.5 Billion

Plastic & Articles

$14.6 Billion

Iron & steel

$11.8 Billion

Animal/vegetable fats & oils

$9.8 Billion

Instruments & apparatus related to optical, technical & medical, etc.

$9.5 Billion


$7.1 Billion

The data is based on Bangladesh Import Data Year-Wise and is retrieved from the most authorized and reliable sources of information.

You can buy customized import-export trade data from Exim and discover new potential marketplaces for your import-export trade business in the overseas market from all over the globe.

The marketing intelligence reports of Exim help you evaluate the demands, trends, and current flow of the market which allow you to form your trade strategy according to the current flow and demand in the global trade markets offering your more potential business opportunities for your international trade business.

The data allow you to find top trading companies, businesses, importers & exports, manufacturers, brands, and much more. Exim market analysis reports and custom trade data are a top-notch solution for all of your business-related queries.

Competitive marketing insight to fight and survive the market competition on an international level through Exim’s customs trade data.

For more info on Bangladesh import-export trade data or any other global country, you can connect to us as we provide top-notch customs import-export services and solutions in the world.

Connect to us and get a free review on your overall import-export trade business from the experts and professionals and enhance the productivity of your trade business. 

Indonesia’s Trade Surplus At $1billion In December 2021

 According to Indonesia Import-Export Data, Indonesia’s trade surplus decreased to $1.02 billion in December 2021, the lowest in the last 20 months. Indonesia’s imports hit a high record in December as Indonesia’s exports decreased in the global trade market.

Since May 2020, some of the largest economies of Southeast Asia have been reporting a trade surplus each month as the Covid-19 pandemic exceeded local demand while the prices of export commodities such as copper, steel, tin, coal, rubber, and palm oil have increased at a rapid pace.

The forecast of Exim shows that in December Indonesia’s surplus was about a third to $3.13 billion, less than November's $3.51 billion. Based on import data, December imports of Indonesia estimated a high value of $21.36 billion, an increase of 47.93% on Y-O-Y which is greater than the actual forecast imposed by the economist which was 39.40% growth.

In a recent conference meeting, Margo Yuwono, the head of Indonesia’s statistics commented that the increase in production and demand shows that the economic conditions and activity of Indonesia are improving.

Indonesia recorded a growth of 35.30% in its total exports on a yearly basis. The reason being the shipment and export to china slowed down as Beijing has boosted the domestic output of the fuel.

Indonesia trade data suggests the total shipment value was worth $22.38 billion in December which is the second-highest till November which was $22.84 billion. Economists and market experts have warned Indonesia about the effect of the ban on the export of coal. The coal export contributes about 14% of Indonesia’s overall exports and widespread outages of domestic power could result in a deficit in Indonesia’s trade balance.

The data is based on Indonesia's import-export trade activities retrieved and sourced by Exim’s expert panel to assist traders, manufacturers, importers & exporters from all over the globe in their several decision-making processes.

Exim’s customs import-export trade data offer complete transparency into the trade activities of various global countries which helps you evaluate the overall supply chain and demand of the global trade market.

Indonesia’s Major Trading Partners

Based on Indonesia Export Data, China, United States of America, Japan, Singapore, India, Malaysia, Korea, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam are some of the major Indonesia export partner countries.



Value in USD ($)

Share in %


$31 Billion


United States of America

$18.6 Billion



$13.6 Billion



$10.7 Billion



$10.4 Billion



$8.13 billion



$6.5 billion



$5.89 billion



$5.11 billion



$4.94 billion


Top Rated Products of Indonesia



Export Product

Value (US$)


Palm Oil



Coal & Solid Fuels Made From Coal






Petroleum Gasses



Iron Ferroalloys



Natural Rubber



Flat-rolled stainless steel & article



Industry fatty acids & alcohol






Copper ores & concentrates



For more info on Indonesia imports & exports, you can buy customs import-export trade data through Exim and get access to Exim’s customized import-export market analysis reports and gain dynamic insights into the world trade market.

Looking Into Tanzania’s Import-Export Data Trade Activities And Products It Exports The Most

 Tanzania Export Data covers all the activities related to trade that takes place in Tanzania throughout the year. The data Exim provides gives you 360 visibility into the import-export activities of the major traders and companies of this country. 

Tanzania trade statistics we provide help you find potential buyers in Tanzania, track the activities of your competitors, know the products that are being imported and exported by the traders of this country, and the strategies they are using for their global trade business.

The customs reports Exim provides contain the name of top companies, specifications of products, HS Code, names of top importers & exporters, port name & details, value in USD, mode of transportation, shipment & consignment details, quantity, unit, rates, weight, etc.

Global Trade Value of Tanzania’s Import-Export Data

Based on Tanzania Import Data Year-Wise; the total import value of Tanzania for the years 2019 and 2020 was estimated at $10.36 billion and $9.55 billion respectively. The data given below shows the statistics of Tanzania based on its global trade value.

Total Imports Value

Total Exports Value


$9.12 Billion

$8.07 Billion


$10.21 Billion

$8.40 Billion


$10.36 Billion

$9.79 Billion


$9.55 Billion

$8.92 Billion


Tanzania's Stats of 2021

The data Exim provides is retrieved from the authorized sources of information including, Tanzanian customs departments, port authorities, trade associations, shipping & logistics companies, etc and is based on factual sources of data such as port & shipping bills, invoices, import & export bills, and some other crucial import-export trade documents mandatory for trade across international countries.





$-562.30 MILLION

September 2021


$-340.70 MILLION

September 2021


$2394.00 MILLION

Jun 2021


$1962.80 MILLION

 September 2021

Products Tanzania Exports The Most

Based on Tanzania Export Data 2020, Precious Metals & Gems, Copper, Ash, Ores & Slag, Edible Nuts & Fruits, Vegetables, Oilseeds, Spices, Tea & Coffee, Tobacco & Manufactured Substitutes, Fish, and Cereals were some of the major exported products of Tanzania in 2020.



Value in USD ($)

Share in %

Precious Metals & Gems

$1.7 Billion



$476.3 Million


Ash, Ores & Slag

$416.9 Million


Edible Nuts & Fruits

$416.5 Million



$219.8 Million



$262.8 Million


Spices, Tea & Coffee

$210.6 Million


Tobacco & Manufactured Substitutes

$201.4 Million



$152.4 Million



$157.1 Milion


These top exports commodities of Tanzania accounted for 80.8% of the overall global shipment value in 2020.

You can buy Tanzania import-export trade data from Exim and get access to our huge database of customs reports and trade data and gain crucial insights into the world trade markets. The data allow you to track and monitor the supply chain of the global trade market, performance & demand of your products and services in the global trade market, target potential buyers & suppliers for your import-export trade business, and so on.

Form your business strategy based on the trends and demand of the global trade market through Exim’s market analysis and intelligence reports and stay ahead of your business competitors.

For more info on global import-export trade data, you can connect to us as Exim provides 360 coverage on global imports and exports. 

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