Global Import Export Data - Exim Trade Data

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Global Trade Market Of Vegetable Oils, Fatty Acids & Methyl Esters

 The global trade value of Fatty acids during 2020 was valued at $8,584 million. Whereas the global trade value of methyl esters Import and Exports valued $4,240 million in 2020.

About $153 billion of import-export trade is contributed by vegetable oils including soybean oil, palm oil, olive oil, sunflower oil, mustard & colza oil, rap oil, and coconut oil.

Exim trade data analysis research reports offer in-depth analysis of international export and imports of vegetable oils, fatty acids, and methyl esters.  Get crucial useful insights into the global trade market through Exim Trade Data and gain access to thousands of millions of in-depth research data to enhance the productivity of your global trade business across the globe.

Total trade value of Fatty Acids By Country

The total exports of fatty acids were worth $4,101 million whereas the imports of Fatty acids totaled $4,483 million during 2020. Some of the top importers and exporters of fatty acids during 2020 by country are given below.

Top Importers of Fatty Acids By Country in 2020

The Netherlands $551 million, China $495 million, India $351 million, Malaysia $372 million, Germany $265 million, Singapore $117 million, United States $323 million, South Korea $243 million, Italy $263 million, Spain $197 million were the to importer country during 2020 as per the market analysis reports of Exim Trade data.

Top Exporters of Fatty Acids By Country in 2020

India $114 million, Indonesia $1,573 million, Malaysia $1,012 million, Germany $165 million, Netherlands $427 million, Belgium $201 million, Spain $52 million, Thailand $56 million, Argentina $69 million, United States $60 million were the top exporter country of fatty acids during 2020 according to the market analysis reports of Exim Trade Data.

Based on the above data, Malaysia and Netherlands were among the largest exporters and importers of fatty acids during 2020.

Total trade value of Methyl Esters By Country

The global import value of Methyl esters was estimated at $2,217 million during 2020 and the global export value of Methyl esters during 2020 stood at $2,023 million. Some of the top importers and exporters of Methyl esters during 2020 by country are given below.

Top Importers of Methyl Esters By Country in 2020

China $362 million, Malaysia $147 million, Netherlands $221 million, Germany $133 million, United States $137 million, France $104 million, South Korea $84 million, India $90 million, Taipei, Chinese $103 million, Indonesia $101 were among the top importers of Methyl esters during 2020 according to the market analysis reports of Exim Trade Data.

Top Exporters of Methyl Esters By Country in 2020

Saudi Arabia $412 million, United States $268 million, China $109 million, Japan $259 million, Singapore $197 million,  Germany $208 million, Netherlands $117 million, South Korea $100 million, Thailand $147 million, Taipei, Chinese $ 82 were the exporter countries of methyl esters in 2020 as per market analysis reports.

Total trade value of Vegetable Oils

Coconut oil, Olive Oil, Soya-bean Oil, Palm Oil, Colza, Rape & Mustard Oil, and Sunflower Oil are some of the most used vegetable oils for cooking. Some of the top imported and exported vegetable oils during  2020 by-products are given below.

● Palm Oil: $33,812 million (Import) & $32,483 million (Export)

● Soya-Bean Oil: $9,725 million (Import) & $9,841 (Export)

● Sunflower Oil: $13,504 (Import) & $13,421 million (Export)

● Olive Oil: $7,695 million (Import) & $7,611 million (Export)

● Coconut Oil: $5,136 million (Import) & $4,679 million (Export)

● Colza, Rape & Mustard Oil: $7,701 (Import) & $7,783 million (Export)

The market intelligence report and research data is brought to you by Exim Trade Data, one of the most leading global custom import-export marketing services and solution provider companies across the globe.

For more info on any global country, you can visit our official website and ask for free sample data or even book a free demo to get the overall overview of your trade business.

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