Mexico Import Data contains details of Mexico shipment which is crucial for global trade business. Mexico custom trade data contains details related to all trade activities that take place in this country.
The custom trade data Exim provides helps you find new active potential buyers and suppliers for your import-export trade business across the globe. Exim provides in-depth market analysis reports and research data in real-time that help you boost the productivity of your trade business in the overseas markets.
The data we provide to our clients is collected through some of the most genuine, reliable, and authorized sources of information which includes Mexican customs departments, Trade Association, Shipping & Logistics companies, Port Authorities, Government Bodies, etc.
The market intelligence reports of Exim Trade Data help you target potential audiences for your global import-export trade business. The data we offer also allows you to track the performance and demand of your goods and services in the overseas market.
Global Trade Value Of Mexico’s Imports & ExportsYearwise
❖ The total import value of Mexico for the year 2019 was worth $495.91 billion
❖ The total import value of Mexico for the year 20120 was worth $407.76 billion
❖ The total export value of Mexico for the year 2019 was worth $492.73 billion
❖ The total export value of Mexico for the year 2020 was worth $431.45 billion
Current Trade Statistics of Mexico Imports and Exports 2021
➔ Trade Balance of Mexico recorded in Nov 2021: $-112 million
➔ Total Global Imports value recorded in Nov 2021: $45698.67 million
➔ Total Global Export value recorded in Nove 2021: $45586.98 million
➔ Current Account of Mexico: $-4070 million
What Are The 10 Biggest Imports of Mexico?
As per Mexico import data list and market analysis reports, Aluminum $5.9 billion (1.5%), Organic Chemicals $7.5 billion (1.9%), Steel & Iron $8.8 billion (2.3%), Articles of Iron & Steel $8.2 billion (2.1%), Electrical Machinery & Equipment $82.9 billion (21.6%), Plastics & Articles of Plastics $21.9 billion (5.7%), Machinery & Computers $65.9 billion (17.2%), Mineral Oils & Fuels $25.1 billion (6.6%), Vehicles $32.1 billion (8.4%), Technical, Optical & Medical Apparatus $15.7 billion (4.1%) were the top imports of this country during 2020.
The data we provide helps you compare prices, Taxes, and Quantity of duty of goods and services being exported and imported into the global trade market through Exim’s smartly developed tools and data.
What Are The Major Trading Partners of Mexico?
Mexico trade statistics and Mexico export data shows, the United States $330.8 billion (79.1%), Taiwan $4.4 billion (1.1%), Canada $11 billion (2.6%), Germany $6.5 billion (1.5%), China $7.8 billion (1.9%), Japan $3.5 billion (0.8%), United Kingdom $2.6 billion (0.6%), South Korea $3.4 billion (0.8%), Colombia $2.6 billion (0.6%), Brazil $2.9 billion (0.7%), Netherlands $1.89 billion (0.5%), Guatemala $1.90 billion (0.5%), France $1.27 billion (0.3%), Spain $1.2 billion (0.3%), and Chile $1.25 billion (0.3%) were the major export partners countries of Mexico in 2020.
For more info, you can connect to us directly or visit our official website for a quick and on-point overview of your current import-export trade statistics and strategies.
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