Global Import Export Data - Exim Trade Data

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Exim Trade Data provides Global Import Export Trade Data to over 60+ Countries. We are capable of delivering the most accurate export-import shipment data, customs data and trade data.

Looking Into Tanzania’s Import-Export Data Trade Activities And Products It Exports The Most

 Tanzania Export Data covers all the activities related to trade that takes place in Tanzania throughout the year. The data Exim provides gives you 360 visibility into the import-export activities of the major traders and companies of this country. 

Tanzania trade statistics we provide help you find potential buyers in Tanzania, track the activities of your competitors, know the products that are being imported and exported by the traders of this country, and the strategies they are using for their global trade business.

The customs reports Exim provides contain the name of top companies, specifications of products, HS Code, names of top importers & exporters, port name & details, value in USD, mode of transportation, shipment & consignment details, quantity, unit, rates, weight, etc.

Global Trade Value of Tanzania’s Import-Export Data

Based on Tanzania Import Data Year-Wise; the total import value of Tanzania for the years 2019 and 2020 was estimated at $10.36 billion and $9.55 billion respectively. The data given below shows the statistics of Tanzania based on its global trade value.

Total Imports Value

Total Exports Value


$9.12 Billion

$8.07 Billion


$10.21 Billion

$8.40 Billion


$10.36 Billion

$9.79 Billion


$9.55 Billion

$8.92 Billion


Tanzania's Stats of 2021

The data Exim provides is retrieved from the authorized sources of information including, Tanzanian customs departments, port authorities, trade associations, shipping & logistics companies, etc and is based on factual sources of data such as port & shipping bills, invoices, import & export bills, and some other crucial import-export trade documents mandatory for trade across international countries.





$-562.30 MILLION

September 2021


$-340.70 MILLION

September 2021


$2394.00 MILLION

Jun 2021


$1962.80 MILLION

 September 2021

Products Tanzania Exports The Most

Based on Tanzania Export Data 2020, Precious Metals & Gems, Copper, Ash, Ores & Slag, Edible Nuts & Fruits, Vegetables, Oilseeds, Spices, Tea & Coffee, Tobacco & Manufactured Substitutes, Fish, and Cereals were some of the major exported products of Tanzania in 2020.



Value in USD ($)

Share in %

Precious Metals & Gems

$1.7 Billion



$476.3 Million


Ash, Ores & Slag

$416.9 Million


Edible Nuts & Fruits

$416.5 Million



$219.8 Million



$262.8 Million


Spices, Tea & Coffee

$210.6 Million


Tobacco & Manufactured Substitutes

$201.4 Million



$152.4 Million



$157.1 Milion


These top exports commodities of Tanzania accounted for 80.8% of the overall global shipment value in 2020.

You can buy Tanzania import-export trade data from Exim and get access to our huge database of customs reports and trade data and gain crucial insights into the world trade markets. The data allow you to track and monitor the supply chain of the global trade market, performance & demand of your products and services in the global trade market, target potential buyers & suppliers for your import-export trade business, and so on.

Form your business strategy based on the trends and demand of the global trade market through Exim’s market analysis and intelligence reports and stay ahead of your business competitors.

For more info on global import-export trade data, you can connect to us as Exim provides 360 coverage on global imports and exports. 

Turkey’s Exports Recorded a Hit Of $17.6 Billion At The Start Of 2022

 Turkey has made a floating start to 2022 as the exports of Turkey hit a record high in Jan 2022 with a total exports value of $17.6 billion. International trade sales increased by 17.6% Y-O-Y to $17.6 billion, an all-time monthly high according to Turkey import-export data.

The minister said the increase in the acceleration of production in last year has helped maintain its pace in 2022. However, due to the rising energy prices and unexpectedly winter conditions, Turkey's imports spiked 55.2% to $28 billion in Jan 2022.

Turkey import and export data shows that Turkey’s energy imports accounted for $9 billion. As of Jan 2022, Turkey’s trade deficit has increased 240.7% Y-O-Y  to 10.44 billion.

The foreign trade volume of Turkey has increased by 38% to 45.6 billion in January 2022 compared to 2021. Turkey’s exports increased nearly 33% Y-OY to an all-time high of $225.4 billion last year.

While the overall international trade volume of Turkey leaped to $496.7 billion, Turkey’s imports jumped up to 23.6% Y-OY to approximately $271.4 billion.

Data of Turkey imports suggest that Turkey”s exports value might hit around $250 billion by the end of 2022.

For an in-depth analysis of Turkey’s import and export trade data and activities, you can buy customized import-export from Exim as we are one of the largest leading and emerging global import-export customs trade data services and solution provider companies in the world.

Exim offers world-class on-point global trade market analysis reports and customs trade data. The data allow you to track and monitor the supply and demand of your product and services in the world trade market.

You can also track the performance of your services and products based on the demand and consumption on a global level and form your business strategy accordingly offering you more business opportunities for your global trade business.

Turkey’s Major Imports

In 2020, Turkey imported goods worth $219.4 billion from all around the globe, an increase of 10.5% from 2016 and an increase of 9.3% from 2019.

Turkey import and export data 2019 show that products such as Mineral Oils & Fuels, Machinery & Computers, Vehicles, Precious Metals & Gems, Electrical Machinery & Equipment, Plastics & Articles of Plastics, Steel & Iron, Pharmaceuticals, Organic Chemicals, and Technical, Optical & Medical apparatus were the top imports of Turkey.


Value in USD ($)

Total Share in %

Mineral Oils & Fuels

$28.9 billion


Gems & Precious Metals

$26.6 billion


Machinery including Computers

$25.2 billion


Electrical Machinery & Equipment

$17.1 billion



$15.3 billion


Iron & Steel

$15.1 billion


Plastics & Articles of Plastic

$11.7 billion


Organic Chemicals

$5.9 billion



$5 billion


Technical, Optical, and Medical Apparatus

$4.7 billion


These top commodities of Turkey accounted for 70.9% of the overall import value for this country in 2020.

For more info on Turkey's import-export trade data and activities, you can connect to us on our official website as Exim provides top-notch import-export marketing intelligence reports on all global countries. The data assists businesses and companies in their various business-related decision-making processes.

The data also help our clients evaluate the most effective and profitable trade strategy according to the global market demand and consumption rate. 

How To Start An Import-Export Business In India; And The Documents Required For Trade

 The Indian economy is one of the fastest, largest, and most growing economies in the world. With the globalization of business and trade, India is seeing massive growth in the industry of import and export as the India export and import data 2020 suggests. Attracting new entrepreneurs.

 New entrepreneurs entering the industry of import and export are likely to have minds full of doubts and questions ranging from the document required and the legal guidelines to follow etc.

If you are someone who wants to step into the business of import-export but has no knowledge of the respective field, then this article is for you. In this article, we will focus on how you can start an import-export business in India.



To start a new import-export business, you need to provide a certain set of documents including your PAN CARD to complete legal formalities related to your import-export business.

 In order to register your import-export business, you and your partners must provide a valid & authentic identity and address proof.

For every registered business entity, it is necessary to apply for a PAN CARD with the income tax department.


Before you start your import-export business, you need to determine the form of the business entity you want your company to be.

After that, you need to choose a name for your business entity and get it registered accordingly. You can form a Partnership firm, a Sole Proprietorship firm, A Private Limited Company, an LLP, or A Public Limited Company.


The bank account used by the business entities to transact that off with the customers, vendors, manufacturers, and customers is called a current account.

Without having a current account business dealing would not be possible.

Hence, having a current account is a must in the business industry.

Documents needed to open a current account can vary depending on the type of business entity.


The IEC ( Import Export Code), is a 10 digit unique registration code issued by the DGFT (Directorate General of Foreign Trade ), under the Ministry of Commerce and Industries.

 For anyone looking to start an import-export business is required to have an IEC Code.



The first thing that you need to start an import-export business is a Product. Before you start your import-export business, you need to select the product you want to import and export as choosing the right product is the key to your import-export business.

This is because there are people who want to start their import-export business but are unable to do so just because they don’t have a product.

A product is the most important thing in the business of import and export. You can not start your import-export business without a product.  

Now the question arises of how to select a product for your import-export business?

 You can use SWOT ( Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat) analysis to select your product. SWOT analysis will help you understand the strengths and weaknesses of your product.

It will also help you know the potential threat to your product in a market that is full of competitors.

 This will help you enhance your marketing strategy to bring out more opportunities for your import-export business.

6. RCMC (Registration Cum Membership Certificate)

Once you have an Import Export Code (IEC), you need to obtain RCMC which can be acquired from the Export Promotion Council. Our country India has plenty of export promotion councils that work and help you promote the export of different services and products.

To avail benefits under the Indian Foreign Trade Policy, it is mandatory to register under the RCMC.

These councils provide assistance and access to events that help you enhance & promote your import-export business. It takes around a week to get the registration done and it is valid all over India.


Make sure that you are targeting the right market for your import-export business.

To check if the product and service you are importing or exporting are in demand or not, do a market research analysis.

This will help get aware and assist you with the current trend and flow of the market. Even so, there are factors that you should keep in mind such as trade barriers, the demand for the product, political environment, profitability, etc.

The exporter has to analyze the viability and choose a market for his business accordingly based on the factors mentioned above.


After selecting the right market and product for your import-export business, the next step for you and your business is to find potential buyers.

There are different ways through which you can attract and target potential buyers for your business.  

● You can generate leads from your website.

● You can participate in events such as trade fairs and exhibitions.

● You can also use government bodies that promote import-export business such as the Export Promotion Council.

The motive here is to attract and target as many buyers as possible for your business.


It doesn’t matter how much work you put into your import-export business plan or how well you have formulated it.

For your business to get off the ground, you will need access to some initial financing. You need to figure out which type of financing works best for you.

Depending upon your business needs you can opt for either long-term or short-term financing. Moreover, there are subsidies that you can avail and take advantage of.


After completing all the steps mentioned above in the article, your newly set up import-export business is ready to perform functional activities like exploring market opportunities, finalizing the shipping partner, and promoting your import-export business in the overseas markets.



If you are someone new in the industry of import and export and need guidance or assistance regarding import-export business, you can connect with us at as we provide digitally analyzed marketing researched import-export data that help you understand the current trend and flow of the market. We also provide in-depth authentic import-export data that help you enhance, attract and target potential markets for your services and products. 

Shape Your Brand at the Global level with Vietnam Import Data

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